Free Photos for All!

So you decided to give modeling a go and realized you need pictures of yourself to book jobs.  You looked at a few photography websites but the rates are just too rich for your blood.  This calls for tfp. Tfp stands for trade for print.  When a photographer posts an ad mentioning this acronym, she is offering to […]

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Book It

If you’re new to spearheading your own modeling career, my guess is you’re probably wondering where to start.  Depending on where you live, your look, and your discipline, this may be easy, require quite a bit of leg work or be close to impossible.  But, let’s assume you live in a booming area, have a marketable look, and are marvelously self-sufficient.  The […]

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Welcome to Think Like A Model.  My goal is to foster a safe space where you are provided with accurate expectations of the modeling industry.   A space where you will be revered for your love of being photographed, peacocking on a daily basis, and ordering salads for lunch.  While I encourage a healthy hunger for the glamorous model lifestyle, here, […]

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